Some of the most rewarding work is teaching classes to beginners, conducting workshops in various mediums, and completing commissioned works.
Joan teaches classes in her home studio on Mondays every week. Classes are typically taught in watercolors, although other mediums are taught during some sessions. Sessions are 4 weeks. Each class is two and a half hours and run from 10 am to 12:30 pm. Normally class sizes consist of 6 people each having their own workspace. Cost $85 per session.
For more information contact Joan.
For more information contact Joan.
Joan has been able to recreate images near and dear to people's hearts. She can provide this service in many different mediums including watercolor, acrylic, and oil. Click to edit this text block. Effectively introducing your products, services, menu or whatever your great company offers, is the foundation of a powerful website. Visitors are interested in what you can do as a company, and what makes you different from all of the competition. So be sure to tell them!